Mystele Kirkeeng is a self taught, acrylic-mixed media folk artist living in Illinois by way of Texas. She loves developing abstracted Read More
Tag: kreativlove
CalacaCeramicArt by Nastia Calaca
Nastia Calaca has always been dreaming of becoming an illustration artist. Creating intricate illustrations, reinventing beloved book characters, writing new versions of her favorite stories was all part of her childhood. Read More
Lucienne Buga – autor de bijuterie contemporană
Lucienne este o creatoare de bijuterii care fascinează prin originalitate. Lucrările ei sunt pe cât de simple pe atît de complexe Read More
Irina Sayfiydinova : “You always have to look deeper, the truth is inside the things!”
Do you know that feeling when you discover something that you like with all your heart and you can’t get enough of just admiring that ? Well, this happened to me when for the first time saw Irina Sayfidinova’s toys. These are definitely more than toys! These are artistic characters with personality and a story to tell, that attracts your attention entirely. Read More
Primăvara este anotimpul mult așteptat care aduce nu doar viață în natură, forțe și emoții pozitive nouă ci și multe mărțișoare, simbolul cărora este unitatea contrariilor: căldură-frig, lumină-întuneric, tristețe-bucurie Read More
Natalia Moraru : ”zâmbiți și savurați plăcerile mici ale vieții”.
Dragi prieteni, cu siguranță ați auzit despre oamenii soare. Ei sunt acei oameni care luminează și cele mai posomorâte zile cu zâmbetul și căldura lor sufletească. Ei sunt cei, care găsesc motivația Read More
Art project “Warm Day” by Irina Andreeva
The art project “Warm day” – is a warm felt story in a cozy space. Warm characters, fond memories with a warm heart and warm hands. The heroine is a little girl who Read More
Elena Shved’s grunge effect watercolor horse paintings
[The style of art as grunge art has become very popular lately. The word grunge, coined by the writer Paul Ramball, most of us associate with the subgenre of alternative rock originating in Seattle during the 1980’s. But, what about grunge art? Does such a movement, or such a phenomenon even exist? In design, typography, or the production of various other images, can we pinpoint a style and call it that? Regarding fashion aesthetics, the idea of ripped jeans, greasy hair, and worn-out t-shirts are generally connected to an idea of grunge, but in the visual art production, what would describe such a notion? What innovations, if any, did the grunge artists bring to the world of art?
The grunge artists and designers emphasized the idea of freedom and of breaking the rules by following one’s inner voice.
Stylistically, grunge paintings can be both abstract or figurative, but, they do lean more towards the figurative and the narrative. The depicted figures often look like cartoons or as creatures of a dream-world, showing an element of fantasy art here as well. With the atmosphere of a ‘working-class’, produced paintings above anything else erase any idea of an elegance of paint and often allow for the messy and unfinished look of the artwork.] source –
In the city of Tolyatti lives a talented girl – Elena Shved, who’s paintings are classified as grunge art style. Her messy watercolor works are very appreciated all over Russia. The secret of the originality of her work lies in the fact that she uses watercolors with a high amount of diluted water. As a result each palette is so transparent, that the artist has to apply the color several times to be well seen.
Elena Shved draws on various topics, but especially beautiful in her paintings are the horses.
Here is what the artist Elena Shved says about her work:
“All the features that were in the grange as a subculture, refer to the painting as well – negligence, carelessness, contrast, “unruly”, expressive manner of performance. I like the expressive style of painting, I like all this dirt, drops, poured ink, even though I am not fully grunge like style, but in social networks my creativity, “dubbed” that way.
Once a friend asked me to draw a horse. Actually with this all started, at first it was just a custom order, and then I decided to paint a series, because my work was much appreciated. Maybe it’s a coincidence, but the horse was my favorite animal in the childhood.”
For more paintings check artist’s instagram .
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Mesmerizing Fractals
Fractals are truly mesmerizing and found all over nature, spanning a huge range of scales. We find the same patterns again and again Read More